Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Proper Procedure

Using an algorithm, helped me find the proper solution for the Lightbot levels. At first, I plugged in different steps just to see an approximation of where the character lands for the light to turn on. After this, I saw that the bot, managed to turn on two of the three steps and so I had to change the procedure so the bot would then turn right and then walk three on the P1 section in the puzzle. I came to the final solution mainly by trial and error and also conceptual thinking.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bebras Challenge: Mobile Phones

The mobile phone challenge was every so slightly more time consuming than some of the other activities before this. For this challenge, I used computational thinking to solve it by knowing that there are three phones but only two chargers and we had to find out the shortest time possible to charge their phone. Therefore, you must divide three by two, giving you one hour and a half which is the shortest time that they need to fully charge their phones.

Seeking the Pattern


The log-art challenge was fairly easy, mainly because it was a level A problem. To add, I did use a pretty simple algorithm to find the proper pattern. Firstly, I knew that I had to find a pattern that was represented in the design, but to find that, I had to then cut or divided up each image into two and this would then help me observe one of four patterns. Then when I thought that I had observed one pattern, I would in a sense "plug it back in" to the design to confirm whether or not it was a match.